Cryptocurrency Investment Calculator (What If I Invested)
Calculate potential profit or loss from your cryptocurrency
investments made on a specific date.
What is a cryptocurrency investment calculator?
A cryptocurrency investment calculator is a tool that helps you evaluate the potential profit or loss from your cryptocurrency investments. It considers factors such as:
The amount of fiat currency you invested
The type of cryptocurrency you purchased
The date of your purchase
The current price of the cryptocurrency
How is profit calculated?
The calculator uses the following formula to determine the return on investment (ROI) of your cryptocurrency holdings:
Example with Solana (SOL):
Price of SOL on 01/01/2021: /$1.52
Amount of USD invested on 01/01/2021: /$100
Price of SOL on 10/05/2022: /$63.60
Amount of SOL purchased
Current value of investment:
How to use a cryptocurrency investment calculator
Select the cryptocurrency: Choose the specific cryptocurrency you invested in.
Enter the investment amount: Input the fiat currency amount you initially invested.
Specify the purchase date: Provide the date on which you bought the cryptocurrency.
Click "Calculate": The calculator will generate the results, indicating the current value of your investment and your ROI.
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