Calculate the fees you'll pay when selling on eBay.
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Selling on eBay can be a great way to earn money, but understanding the fees can be tricky. This calculator helps you figure out exactly how much you'll earn after eBay's fees are deducted.
Different categories have different fee structures. Choose the category that matches your item:
This is the main fee eBay charges when your item sells. It's calculated as a percentage of the total amount, including:
eBay charges a fixed fee per order:
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Track Your Expenses Use this calculator before listing to ensure profitable pricing
Regular Reviews Check your fees monthly to optimize your pricing strategy
Consider Volume Higher sales volumes might qualify you for better rates
Remember, successful eBay selling is about understanding your costs and pricing your items accordingly. Use this calculator to help make informed decisions about your pricing strategy.
Note: Fees are subject to change. Always verify current rates on eBay's website.
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